Spain is warming the quickest of all the Northern Hemisphere countries, meteorologists warn

2010 - 08 - 01
Spain is warming the quickest of all the Northern Hemisphere countries, meteorologists warn

The southern Spanish city of Seville could have the same climate by the end of the century as Tucson in the Arizona desert of the USA. Spanish meteorologists released this warning based on a global warming study.

The maximum temperatures in Spain are projected to be three to six degrees higher between 2071 and 2100 than in 1961–1990. “If the temperatures were to rise so significantly by the end of the 21st century, the climate …

Spain is warming the quickest of all the Northern Hemisphere countries, meteorologists warn

A huge chunk of ice broke off from a Greenland glacier. Global warming has been destroying this area for decades

2010 - 07 - 13
A huge chunk of ice broke off from a Greenland glacier. Global warming has been destroying this area for decades

A huge seven-square-kilometre block of ice broke off from the Greenland Jakobshavn Isbrae glacier and is drifting away from the original mass. The entire event was captured in images by the American National Aviation and Space Authority (NASA), as the Spanish El Mundo Daily reported.

Teams of researchers from the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center in Ohio, USA, and Polar Geospatial Centre in Minnesota have been tracking satellite images to check for changes in

A huge chunk of ice broke off from a Greenland glacier. Global warming has been destroying this area for decades

Fish, including those in European rivers, are increasingly at risk due to man-made noise

2010 - 06 - 02
Fish, including those in European rivers, are increasingly at risk due to man-made noise

Fish are increasingly threatened by rising levels of human-induced noise pollution. This is claimed by the scientists asked to investigate the impacts of noise from underwater drilling rigs, ships, and sonars on the fish populations around the world.

Although fish are said to live in a world of silence, most of them hear well and sound plays an active role in their life, scientists say. “People always assumed that the fish world is silent,” says …

Fish, including those in European rivers, are increasingly at risk due to man-made noise

Emissions from industrial companies have fallen in the EU due to the economic recession

2010 - 05 - 18

Emissions from industrial companies in the European Union that fall under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) fell by 11.6 percent last year as a result of the economic recession. The European Commission released this information today.

“It is attributed to several factors. First, the reduced economic activity as a result of the recession and second, to the low natural gas prices in 2009, making it much more attractive to produce energy from gas than


Commercial fishing threatens the sea turtles in the Mediterranean, scientists warn

2010 - 04 - 07
Commercial fishing threatens the sea turtles in the Mediterranean, scientists warn

The numbers of sea turtles caught in commercial fishing over the last 20 years may be in the millions. This figure is derived from a study comparing the worldwide “by-catches” of large-scale fishing vessels. Mediterranean sea turtles are at risk as well.

Scientists reported their conclusions in the Conservation Letters journal. The analysis summarises data provided by the governmental committees contained in the technical reports and presented at individual symposiums published from 1990 to 2008.

Commercial fishing threatens the sea turtles in the Mediterranean, scientists warn

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