Dead zones are dramatically increasing in the seas and oceans. Europe’s surroundings are no exception

2018 - 02 - 01
Dead zones are dramatically increasing in the seas and oceans. Europe’s surroundings are no exception

The number of marine areas where there is a lack of oxygen and most aquatic animals have no chance of survival are still on the rise. According to a new analysis published in the prestigious journal Science, there are four times more of them today than in 1950. Scientists warn that this can lead to the mass extinction of a variety of animal species.

While dead zones are caused by global warming in the open …

Dead zones are dramatically increasing in the seas and oceans. Europe’s surroundings are no exception

Wild horses are helping to protect natural systems in two more reserves

2018 - 01 - 16
Wild horses are helping to protect natural systems in two more reserves

Two transports left the reserve for large herbivores in the former Milovice military training area outside of Prague. As of today, young wild horses began to settle in two more natural reserves. Of these, the first one is located on the outskirts of Hradec Kralove, while the other is set in the Josefov Meadows Bird Park managed by the Czech branch of BirdLife International.

Nine stallions went on their way instead of ten horses as …

Wild horses are helping to protect natural systems in two more reserves

An unexpected paradise for bats. In a large herbivore reserve, scientists counted two-thirds of bat species found in the region

2017 - 12 - 17
An unexpected paradise for bats. In a large herbivore reserve, scientists counted two-thirds of bat species found in the region

This year, scientists recorded a remarkably rich presence of bats in a large herbivore reserve and its closest surroundings at the former military training area of Milovice outside Prague. Since 2015, herds of wild horses, European bison and aurochs produced through a back-breeding programme have been living in the reserve.

As part of a large herbivore return scheme, systematic monitoring was conducted for the first time ever, targeting bats in a territory that so far …

An unexpected paradise for bats. In a large herbivore reserve, scientists counted two-thirds of bat species found in the region

Five European bison females arrived from Białowieża, Poland, at a large herbivore reserve

2017 - 11 - 14
Five European bison females arrived from Białowieża, Poland, at a large herbivore reserve

Five European bison females arrived today at a large hoofed mammal reserve located in the former Milovice military training area near Prague. The animals were transported from the Białowieża National Park in the east of Poland, which boasts the world’s most famous stock of the species.

“We are happy that it is the animals from this national park that have expanded our reserve’s stock, as Białowieża Forest became the symbol of international conservation of the …

Five European bison females arrived from Białowieża, Poland, at a large herbivore reserve

The melting of Swiss glaciers has been extreme over the past year, scientists point out

2017 - 10 - 31
The melting of Swiss glaciers has been extreme over the past year, scientists point out

Swiss glaciers have extremely shrunk over the past year, with the loss of ice between the beginning of October last year and the end of September this year among the greatest in the past 100 years, according to the Swiss Academy of Natural Sciences.

Two dozen monitored glaciers in the Alps confederation lost a total of three per cent of their volume, i.e., about 1.5 billion cubic metres. Scientists noted that melted water from the …

The melting of Swiss glaciers has been extreme over the past year, scientists point out

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