Butterflies are the sad leader of the most endangered species in the United Kingdom

2010 - 03 - 11
Butterflies are the sad leader of the most endangered species in the UK

Nearly 500 animal and plant species have become extinct in the UK over the past two centuries. Butterflies and amphibians are the most affected groups. This comes out of a report entitled “The Lost Life” published today in London by the Natural England organization.

Nearly 1,000 species of British flora and fauna, including squirrel and European eel, have acquired priority protection status.

“The Lost Life” report was published on the occasion of the International Year …

Butterflies are the sad leader of the most endangered species in the UK

The Baltic Sea needs greater protection, warn conservationists

2010 - 02 - 10
The Baltic Sea needs greater protection, warn conservationists

A total of 138 proposals and pledges to protect the Baltic Sea were published today in Helsinki by the participants of the Summit of 11 Baltic countries. In their speeches, however, the national representatives mostly limited themselves to general calls and information on already existing measures.

The Baltic Sea covers an area of ​​413,000 square kilometres, and about 90 million people live around it. It is one of the most polluted and endangered seas in …

The Baltic Sea needs greater protection, warn conservationists

Stop shooting wolves, the European Wildlife conservation organization tells Sweden

2010 - 01 - 04
Stop shooting wolves, the European Wildlife conservation organization tells Sweden

The wolf population in Sweden is under threat. The Swedish Parliament has allowed the first wolves to be shot after 45 years and decided to reduce the number of these animals living in the wild by 27 individuals. Their hunting began on Saturday and will end no later than in mid-February. As of Monday, 24 wolves had been shot.

A group of 10,000 hunters planned to take advantage of the rare legal shooting opportunity. The

Stop shooting wolves, the European Wildlife conservation organization tells Sweden

The Earth may warm by 6 °C, a new analysis warns

2009 - 11 - 18
The Earth may warm by 6 °C, a new analysis warns

The average temperature on the planet Earth could rise by up to 6 °C in the future if humanity does not immediately reduce its CO2 emissions, a new analysis says. Researchers at the Global Carbon Project network found that our emissions increased by 29 percent between 2000 and 2008.

While developing countries are exclusively responsible for the increase in emissions, a quarter of this increase is due to the production of goods consumed in developed …

The Earth may warm by 6 °C, a new analysis warns

A four-degree shock warming may already arrive in 50 years, British scientists warn

2009 - 10 - 01
A four-degree shock warming may already arrive in 50 years, British scientists warn

A recent study by the acclaimed Met Office, a British meteorological institute, shocked experts with its conclusion that global warming would worsen sharply. In 2070, but perhaps already in 2060, it is possible to count on a temperature increase by 4 °C.

“If we do not reduce our CO2 emissions quickly, we will experience significant climate changes,” said Richard Betts of Met Off at the Oxford International Conference, which was “shocked” by the study’s results. …

A four-degree shock warming may already arrive in 50 years, British scientists warn

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