Eastern Europe will be threaten by big droughts in twenty years, a study warns

2013 - 02 - 28

The countries of Eastern Europe can be threaten by big drought in next twenty years. It is brought to the attention by a publication of an American intelligence service National Intelligence Council. It sums up global trends and possible development directions until the year 2030.

The report warns that about the year 2030 water can be a bigger dispute object in the world than mineral wealth and energy. In Europe, in the train of climate …


The project on the return of wild horses stirred up public interest

2013 - 01 - 31
The project on the return of wild horses stirred up public interest

A recent release of European Wildlife´s new project which deals with the return of wild horses  stirred up the interest of the public. This very much proves how exceptional  the relationship between  the horse and man is.

„We were addressed by several breaders ofExmoorand Hucul ponies who are keen on joining the project or who offer us their animals. Also, a lot of horse lovers woud like to help take care of the horses,” says …

The project on the return of wild horses stirred up public interest

Year 2012: the extreme weather, glaciers melting and faster sea level increasing

2012 - 12 - 31

This year, as well as eleven previous ones, will rank among the warmest years in the history. Meteorologists have recorded a wave of extreme heat in 2012. The arctic glaciers have decreased in a record way in the last ten months, between March and October there melted the ice area of 11.9 million square kilometres.

The time between this January and October was the ninth warmest in the historical charts which have record the measurement …


Wild horses are returning to the heart of Europe

2012 - 11 - 30
Wild horses are returning to the heart of Europe

Wild horses are getting ready for a comeback to Central Europe. Their return is key part of a programme which aims to restore natural pastures, flowering meadows and other elements of biodiversity. The project is being realized by European Wildlife.

“In the past centuries wild horses were exterminated. But their genes have survived in some primitive breeds of horses,” says Dalibor Dostal, director of European Wildlife conservation organization. According to experts, by back-breeding animals in …

Wild horses are returning to the heart of Europe

The Aurochs is about to return to the mountains of Central Europe

2012 - 09 - 28
The Aurochs is about to return to the mountains of Central Europe

For hundreds of thousands of years the Aurochs  was a part of European nature. Since the death of the last aurochs in 1627 in the Jaktorow game preserve in Poland, it seemed that Europe has lost this key species forever. The history is about to change, though. European Wildlife organization in cooperation with the Dutch Taurus Foundation is preparing a project aiming to return the Aurochs to the mountains of Central Europe.

“In mountainous areas …

The Aurochs is about to return to the mountains of Central Europe

European Wildlife

„Only one per cent of European Wilderness remains. Help us protect it!“

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