The project on the return of wild horses stirred up public interest

2013 - 01 - 31
The project on the return of wild horses stirred up public interest

A recent release of European Wildlife´s new project which deals with the return of wild horses  stirred up the interest of the public. This very much proves how exceptional  the relationship between  the horse and man is.

„We were addressed by several breaders ofExmoorand Hucul ponies who are keen on joining the project or who offer us their animals. Also, a lot of horse lovers woud like to help take care of the horses,” says Dalibor Dostal, the director of European Wildlife organization.

The project is about back-breeding of an European wild horse from two horse breeds – Exmoor pony and Hucul pony, which are the closest to the original European wild horses. The project should re-introduce animals that would resemble original wild horses when they come to their appearance and behaviour. The project shall also observe to what extent are both breeds able to adapt to the environment of centralEurope.

Not only the public but the media, too, took an interest in the project. There were several articles on the return of wild horses published in newspapers, the information was broadcasted on television and radio. The organization was approached by a documentarist who wants to make a documentary film about the progress of the project.

“We are pleased that the public and media are interested in the project. It is a big motivation for us to continue working on it,” added Dalibor Dostal.

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