Eight bison calves have already been born in the large herbivore reserve this year. The most in its history

2023 - 09 - 30

Eight calves of the rare European bison have been born already in the large herbivore reserve in the former military training area of Milovice near Prague this year. It is the highest number in the 10-year history of this unique reserve.

“There is an optimum environment for bison in the reserve. This is also shown by the fact that we succeed in reproducing these rare ungulates regularly. Eight bison calves have been born this year, …


Rare European bee-eaters are nesting directly in the large ungulate reserve for the first time this year

2023 - 08 - 31

Brightly coloured European bee-eaters nested in the territory of the large ungulate reserve in the former military training area of Milovice near Prague for the first time this year. Scientists discovered their typical burrow-like nests at two locations in the pasture reserve.

“Three years ago ornithologists registered that a few pairs of European bee-eaters were flying into the large ungulate reserve. However, they were nesting outside the pastures of large herbivores at that time. This …


The Mediterranean Sea is warmest in history, due to climate changes

2023 - 07 - 31

According to the Spanish Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM), last week the Mediterranean Sea reached the highest daily temperature ever recorded.  The new record results from an extraordinarily severe heat wave in a large part of the Mediterranean Sea, which is also one of the epicentres of global warming.

According to scientists, the median daily temperatures on the surface of the Mediterranean Sea reached 28.71 degrees Celsius. They obtained data based on an analysis of …


A new record. The herd of European bison in the large herbivore reserve has exceeded 40 animals for the first time

2023 - 06 - 30

For the first time since the foundation of the reserve for large herbivores, European Serengeti, which is located in the former military training area of Milovice near Prague, the local herd of European bison has exceeded 40 animals. This year’s sixth calf was born in the reserve in June, making the number of animals reach 41.

The current number of bison has ranked the Milovice population among the two largest populations in the Czech Republic …


Volunteers removed invasive plants. This way they helped a unique nature reserve

2023 - 05 - 26

Today and in past days, volunteers were removing the harmful invasive plant many-leaved lupine, also known as the large-leaved lupine and big-leaved lupine, in the large herbivore reserve in the former military training area of Milovice near Prague and in its surroundings.   This non-native species has been spreading in many areas of Europe and pushing local flower species out of the countryside. It forms dense closed stands, in which native species cannot establish themselves. In …


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