The exchange of European bison from several breeding groups will help enhance the genetic diversity of a new reserve for large herbivores

2024 - 02 - 28

Two bison bulls were transported by conservationists from the European Serengeti reserve, which is located in the former military training area of Milovice near Prague, to the Zidlov game reserve, managed by Military Forests and Farms in the former military training area of Ralsko.

The transport of the first two animals marked the start of a new bison breeding group in the Lipno reserve in south Bohemia. It has been home to a herd of …


The fifteenth large ungulate reserve has been established on the border of the Czech Republic with Austria

2024 - 01 - 30

In January, the fifteenth reserve for large ungulates, created in part thanks to the conservation organisation European Wildlife, was established in the mountains on the border of the Czech Republic and Austria. Conservationists transported a second bull of back-bred aurochs there from “European Serengeti” reserve near Prague. The first grown-up bull was transported there already in late 2023, but capturing the second animal came off only with a delay.

“No capture of an animal for …


New wild horse reserve established today thanks to collaboration with Birdlife International

2023 - 12 - 08

Another significant milestone in the development of the Monks Meadows bird park managed by the Czech branch of the conservation organisation Birdlife International was today’s release of four wild mares that arrived at the site from the European Serengeti large ungulate reserve near Prague.

“There are currently three dominant plant species here – reed canary grass, common nettle, and great manna grass. The horses will suppress the dominant grass and nettle species by grazing, providing …


New reserve for wild horses established as part of the European Green Belt opens today

2023 - 11 - 24

A new wild horse reserve established near the municipality of Krasna near the town of As as part of the European Green Belt opens today. The site is located in the Bohemian spur surrounded by German territory.

Three wild mares were transported there this afternoon from European Serengeti, a popular large herbivore reserve not far from Prague.

“The newly established site is the westernmost reserve in the Czech Republic and the first in the Karlovy …


Artificial intelligence, machine learning, robots and drones. European scientists are developing a system to combat invasive species

2023 - 10 - 31

Large-leaved lupine, Canada goldenrod and giant hogweed. These are just some of the invasive plant species that after being introduced to Europe by humans have begun flooding the nature of the old continent.

Invasive species cause damage worth approximately EUR 10 billion in Europe every year, and, on top of that, they push native species out of the countryside. “Combating invasive plants is very demanding and difficult. It requires the commitment of a large number …


European Wildlife

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