Revolution in science: the wild horse looked completely different, genetic research has found

2014 - 12 - 31

Chapters in zoology textbooks devoted to wild horses which have been published in last eight decades are, in large part, invalid. European wild horses actually looked different than scientists have believed since the 1930s. This arises from the study Wild Horse and Aurochs: key species for landscape formation, on the origin of which there participated scientists of The Biology Centre of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, South Bohemian University, Charles University and The …


An enclosure for the first herd of wild horses has been finished

2014 - 11 - 30

The enclosure with an area of forty hectares has been finished near the town of Milovice, which is situated about 26 kilometres from the capital city of the Czech Republic, Prague. In a few weeks it will become home to the first herd of Exmoor ponies. At the end of this year the first fourteen mares should be brought from Great Britain, next spring the herd will be completed by a stallion. As the herd …


The sea surface has risen the most for the period of 6,000 years, scientists say

2014 - 10 - 17
The sea surface has risen the most for the period of 6,000 years, scientists say

An average twenty-centimetre sea surface rise which has occurred since the beginning of the 20th century is unprecedented during last 6,000 years. It is stated in a study by an international team of scientists according to which there is a global climate change and glaciers melting behind this dangerous phenomenon.

The study published in a current issue of Proceedings magazine of the American academy of sciences compares the sea surface level during 35,000 years from …

The sea surface has risen the most for the period of 6,000 years, scientists say

Students from an international school have helped to prepare pastures for wild horses

2014 - 09 - 20
Students from an international school have helped to prepare pastures for wild horses

Today there has started an enclosure preparation for wild horses right in the terrain in Central Bohemian Milovice. An important help was provided by volunteers from Townshend International School from Hluboka nad Vltavou in South Bohemia. One ten of students and two pedagogues were mapping black dumps in the locality and potentially dangerous structures, as holes, deep ditches, wires sticking up from the ground and things like that all the day. They put every place …

Students from an international school have helped to prepare pastures for wild horses

Climate changes have brought to the Arctic Ocean not only glaciers depletion but also huge waves

2014 - 08 - 08
Climate changes have brought to the Arctic Ocean not only glaciers depletion but also huge waves

Climate changes have still new consequences for nature and man. In the Arctic Ocean there are disappearing glaciers because of the warming. In the train of it the surface of the free sea is getting larger. And on it there start to appear big waves during storms which were not found in this area in the past. Scientists measured waves of 5 metres height in these areas.

A continuous ice surface usually began about 160 …

Climate changes have brought to the Arctic Ocean not only glaciers depletion but also huge waves

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