2035: How many more children will die of leukaemia in Europe?

2023 - 02 - 15

Very bad news for both European Union citizens and the environment in Europe. This is how the conservation organisation European Wildlife rates yesterday’s decision by the European Parliament, which upheld the ban on combustion-engine cars only from 2035.

“Europe should have been much more ambitious in this area. The emissions produced by combustion-engine cars are not only among significant causes for climate changes but they also have a very adverse effect on human health. It has been proven that they are one of significant causes for children leukaemia,” said Dalibor Dostal, Director of the conservation organisation European Wildlife.

The ban on combustion engines to take effect not before 2035 is also very bad news for the European automotive industry. “Another twelve years of manufacturing and selling combustion-engine cars makes the European automotive industry a technical museum. Instead of modern, emission-free cars, the decision by the European Parliament has preserved outdated and non-efficient technology in 27 EU Member States. As a result, Europe is becoming one huge used car dealership. The oil industry is the only one that has a reason to celebrate,” added Dalibor Dostal and continued: “Look at how fast the development of electric cars has been advancing in China and the technological advancements brought by the Tesla car maker in the US. Permission to sell combustion-engine cars in Europe up until 2035 has made the European automotive industry a non-competitive field.”

According to him, the decision by the European Parliament has shown how little attention is paid by politicians to the topics of climate changes and public health. “Scientists point out repeatedly that if the world is to be given a chance to save itself from a disastrous course of climate changes, key changes need to be made in the next few years. Banning the sales of new combustion-engine cars as from 2035 is too little and too late,” Dalibor Dostal emphasised.

He also pointed out that even after this date, older cars powered by combustion engines can be sold in the EU and, on top of that, combustion-engine cars can continue to be manufactured in Europe and exported to other countries. “Members of the European Parliament have condemned another two generations to living in an polluted environment,” concluded Dalibor Dostal.

The ban on selling diesel- and petrol-powered vehicles was passed by the European Parliament at its yesterday’s session. Vehicles powered by spark-ignition and compression-ignition engines still account for the majority of cars newly sold in EU countries whereas, for example, in Norway electrical cars now predominate markedly.

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